Preliminary Schedule

Friday, April 21st, 07:00 – 09:00 PM

Plenary Panel – Meyer 121

Class Composition and Strategy Today

Kim Moody

Beverly Silver

Aaron Benanav


Saturday, April 22nd, 10:00 – 11:30 AM

Waverly 367

How to be an Anticapitalist in the 21st Century

Erik Olin Wright

Peter Bratsis (discussant)

Chair: Paul Heideman

Waverly 369

Politics in the Age of Trump

Charlie Post: “’Is America Great Again?’— Trump’s First 100 Days”

Jennifer Roesch

Bhaskar Sunkara

Commentator: Tithi Bhattacharya
Cosponsored by International Socialist Review

Waverly 431

Symposium on Fred Moseley’s Money and Totality

Martha Campbell

David Laibman

Jose Tapia

Andrew Higginbottom

Respondent: Fred Moseley (Respondent)
Chair: TBA

Waverly 433

CUNY at the Crossroads: A Discussion of Campus Organizing

Andy Battle: What Do We Mean When We Say ‘Austerity’?

Erin Cully: Teaching in a Gig Economy

Jarrod Shanahan: Challenging Business Unionism in the CUNY System

Chair: Alix Rule

Waverly 435

Domination, Abstraction, and Reproduction: Aspects of the Theory of Labor Power

Zaira Rodrigues Vieira – A critique of the concept of abstract domination in Moishe Postone’s work

Guido Starosta and Alejandro Fitzsimons – Rethinking the determination of the value of labour-power

Ken Kawashima – Discussant

Chair: Maya Gonzalez

Waverly 566 A

Women’s Strikes in the Age of Feminization

Johanna Isaacson – Managed Monsters: The Babadook as Care Strike

Madeline Lane-McKinley – Nine Notes on “Gender Strike”

Magally Miranda – Beyond Privilege: On the Necessity and Impossibility of Women’s Refusal

Discussant: Sophie Lewis
Chair: Bue Rübner Hansen

Cosponsored by Blind Field

Waverly 370

Roundtable on Training Political Cadre: Historical Lessons and Currents Methods

George Cicariello-Maher

Kate Byrne-Miller

David Thompson

Todd Chretien

Chair: John McDonald

Waverly 569

In Memoriam, Gyorgy Markus

Agnes Heller

Jonathan Pickle

Ben Laude

Chair: Aaron Jaffe


Saturday, April 22nd, 11:45 – 1:15 PM

Waverly 367

Bolshevik Strategy in 1917: Rupture or Continuity with “Old Bolshevism”?

Lars Lih – Hegemony: The Heart of the Old Bolshevik Outlook

Eric Blanc – Bolshevism Before Lenin: A Critical Reassessment

Todd Chretien – Lenin’s April Theses: a Bolt from the Blue or Summarizing the Bolshevik Consensus?

Chair: Sebastian Budgen

Waverly 369

Concerning Violence: Subjections, Resistance, Subversions

Anthony Alessandrini – Fanonian Nonviolence

Arto Artinian – Political Struggle and the Intermediary Spaces of the Operational Level of Politics: Initial Formulations

Peter Bratsis – Beyond Coercion and Consent: Servility and Self-Interest in Liberal Societies

Bruno Gullì – Sovereign Violence and the Work of Resistance

Chair: TBA

Cosponsored by Situations: Project of the Radical Imagination

Waverly 431

The Bolshevik Revolution and Proletarian Literature

Anna Einarsdottir – “Indigenous Proletarians: On Andean Proletarian Literature”

Joseph Ramsey -“A Red Beyond Black and White: The Critical Communism of Richard Wright’s ‘Black Confession'”

Barbara Foley – “The Russian Revolution and US Proletarian Literature”

Chair: Paul Heideman

Waverly 433

Materialism Old and New

Alex Levant – Smart Matter and the Thinking Body: A Cultural-Historical Activity Theory Critique of New Materialism

Evgeni Pavlov – The Party of Lunar Eclipse: “Old” Materialist View of History Revisited

Anna Stetsenko – Transformative activist stance: Powering social change through the praxis of activism and agency

Chair: Jose Haro

Waverly 435

A Dialogue on The Politics of Ecological Crisis:

Dan Boscov-Ellen

Michelle Mawhinney

Nancy Fraser

Chair: Joshua Pineda

Waverly 566 A

Symposium on Michael McCarthy’s Dismantling Solidarity: Capitalist Politics and American Pensions since the New Deal

Charlie Post

Robin Blackburn

Nicole Aschoff

Michael McCarthy (Respondent)
Chair: Jef Webber

Waverly 370

Adorno: Subjectivity and Critique

Kumars Salehi – Threads of Enlightenment: Adorno and political subjectivity in the era of social media

Eli Lichtenstein – Adorno’s Critique of Labor Today

Aaron Jaffe – Discussant
Chair: TBA

Waverly 569

Inquiry Today

Anna Curcio: Neoliberal Crisis and Social Reproduction as Political Battleground

Jamie Woodcock

Magally Miranda – The Power of Trabajadoras and the Subversion of Capital: Notes on a Domestic Workers’ Inquiry

Ben Mabie

Chair: TBA
Co-sponsored by Viewpoint


Saturday, April 22nd, 2:30 – 4:00 PM

Waverly 367

Roundtable on Prisons, Policing, and the Racial Capitalist State in Crisis:

Orisanmi Buron

Ruth Wilson Gilmore

Jack Norton

Craig Gilmore

Chair: Ben Mabie

Waverly 369

Roundtable discussion: Politics and Land in Palestine

Nora Akawi

Nasser Aburhme

Paul Kohlbry

Chair: Kareem Rabie

Waverly 431

Landscapes of Political Possibility: Re-Reading the Russian and German Revolutions Today

Massimiliano Tomba – Revolutionary Constitutions: Possibilities Not Taken

Sean Larson – Revolution Impermanent: Reassessing the “German October” of 1923

Richard Seymour – After the Catastrophe

Chair: Francisco Fortuño Bernier

Waverly 433

Symposium on Jeffery Webber’s “The Last Day of Oppression, and the First Day of the Same: The Politics and Economics of the New Latin American Left”

Gabriel Hetland

Jeff Webber

Tony Wood

Chair: Chris Carlson

Waverly 435

Capitalism & Slavery:

John Clegg – Capitalism, Slavery and Emancipation

Andy Higginbottom – ‘Capital’ and Slavery: A Transatlantic Interpretation

Charlie Post – Reflections on the New Literature on Slavery

Chair: Asad Haider 

Waverly 566 A

The Rise of the Far Right in Europe

Catarina Principe

Agnes Heller

Nantina Vgontzas

Bue Rübner Hansen

Chair: Aaron Jaffe

Waverly 370

The Political Economy of Money and Crisis

Cedric Durand – Investment-profit nexus in an era of financialisation and globalisation. The monopolization hypothesis.

Karl Beitel – The Contemporary Semiotics and Dynamics of Money, Capital, and Value

Michael Roberts – Profits, investment and multipliers in economic cycles

Anwar Shaikh – Discussant

Chair: TBA

Waverly 569

New Directions in Marxist/Feminist Theory:

Kelly Gawel – On Marxist Feminist Critical Method

William Lewis – Class as concrete and normative, a new model for conceiving class and gender based oppression.

Almendra Aladro – Street harassment and the Right to the City: challenges in terms of accessibility, freedom, security and autonomy from a Marxist perspective.

Drucilla Cornell – Abortion and Subjectivity

Chair: C. Ray Borck


Saturday, April 22nd, 4:15 – 5:45 PM

Waverly 367

1970’s Italy: Representing Struggle, Retracing Paths Not Taken

Morgan Adamson – Visualizing Reproductive Labor: Italian Feminist Cinema Collectives and the “Unexpected Subject”

Diego Arrocha / Kevin Arauz – Violence in Italy’s “Creeping May”

Evan Calder Williams – Rioters’ Inquiry

Chair: Kelly Gawel

Waverly 369

Why the Marxist Critique of Capitalist Ideology is Never Finished

Bertell Ollman – With What Does the Marxist Critique of Capitalist Ideology Begin, and Where Should it End?

Michael Hudson – Ideology in Economics

August Nimtz – Ideology Throughout the Social Sciences

Chair: Virgilio Lazardi

Waverly 431

Affirmers of the New Art: Art of the Mexican and Russian Revolutions

Dan La Botz – Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Mexico and Russia: 1920-1940

Crystal Stella Becerril – Affirmers of the New Art: Art of the Mexican and Russian Revolutions

Eduardo Avila – Press, Programs and Bureaucracy in the Mexican and Russian Revolutions

Chair: TBA

Waverly 433

Ecological Struggle: imperatives and Interrogations

Ashley Dawson – Decarbonizing New York

Anthony Lioi – Staying with the Trouble in the Classroom: The Place of Popular Culture in a Pedagogy of Resistance

Nancy Holmstrom – The Dialectic of the Individual and Collective – an Ecological Imperative

Chair: Aaron Jaffe

Waverly 435

Strategies on the Turkish Left

Ali Behran Ozcelik – The Case for a United Front in Turkey

Ercan Sadi – Before and After the Presidential Referendum: De-stabilizing dynamics in Turkish politics and the AKP’s capacity to adapt

Yasemin Yilmaz – Looking for the Leftists

Chair: TBA

Waverly 566 A

Black Marxism and Black Radicalism in American History

Michael Billeaux – Interracial solidarity in the US labor movement: notes toward an explanation

Matthew Nichter – DuBois’s Marxist Mentor: Will Herberg and the Making of Black Reconstruction

Richard Gilman-Opalsky – Specters of Revolt: On the Ghosts of Ferguson, Baltimore, and Charlotte

Chair: Paul Heideman

Waverly 370

The Crisis of Bourgeois Politics

Richard Seymour: The Dialectic of Defeat

Tithi Bhattacharya: Playing Oppression: Neoliberal “Solutions” to Capitalist Social Relation

Carolyn Eichner

Chair: Wilson Sherwin

Co-sponsored by Salvage

Waverly 569

Affective Labor and the Paid Work of Social Reproduction

Jaswinder Blackwell-Pal – Acting affect: emotion memory, emotional labour and “performance” at work

Morgane Merteuil – The Digital whore: cyber sexual labour and social reproduction

Gizem Cakmak – Social Reproduction Under Late Capitalism: Public Care and the Role of Nurses

Chair: Dave Mesing


Saturday, April 22nd, 6:00 – 8:30 PM

Plenary Panel – Silver 121

Race, Repetition, Rebellion: The Political Economy of Surplus

Chris Chen

Ruth Wilson Gilmore

Joshua Clover

George Ciccariello-Maher

Plenary Panel – Silver 408

The Economic Crisis

Anwar Shaikh

Michael Roberts


Sunday, April 23rd, 10:00 – 11:30 AM

Waverly 367

Shop floor Struggles: The Forgotten Abode of Socialist Strategy

Kim Moody – The New Terrain of Class Conflict

Charlie Post – What’s Globalization Got To Do With It?:The Decline of Industrial Unionism in the North American Tire Industry, 1966-2008

Nicole Aschoff – Bad Jobs Everywhere, Lessons from the US Auto Industry

Chair: Wilson Sherwin
Co-sponsored by Jacobin

Waverly 369

Authoritarianism and Political Regime Change: Quo Vadis, Turkey?

Elif Genc – Gender, State and Resistance: The Kurdish Women’s Armed Struggle for Liberation

Havva Ezgi Dogru – Naming the Leviathan: Bonapartist, Fascist or Neoliberal Authoritarian?

Gokboru Sarp Tanyildiz – Oppression of Progressive Academia in Turkey: The Case of Academics for Peace

Gulay Kilicaslan – The Kurdish Question and AKP’s Increasing Fascism

Berivan Kutlay Sarikaya – Centring the Prisons to Understand the Contemporary Regime Change in Turkey

Chair: Aziz Guzel

Waverly 431

On the Young Hegelians

Joshua Pineda – Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing: The Afterlife of Critical Criticism

Dan Boscov-Ellen – Whose Universalism?

Aaron Jaffe – Marxist Strategies for Critique Among the Young Hegelians

Chair: Virgilio Lazardi

Waverly 433

Class Composition and Communist Thought in Latin America

Juan Grigera – Rethinking the Pink Tide Cycle

Robert Cavooris – René Zavaleta: Composition Beyond Nationalism

Christopher Gunderson – Zapatismo and the Uneven and Combined Development of Communist Thought and Practice

Jimena Vergara – The NAFTA Working Class in Trump’s Mexico

Chair: Jeff Webber

Waverly 435

Symposium on Michael Roberts’ The Long Depression

Fred Moseley

Pete Green

Al Campbell

Michael Roberts (Respondent)
Chair: TBA

Waverly 566 A

A Century of October

Lars Lih

David Mandel

Paul Le Blanc

Chair: Sebastian Budgen

Waverly 370

The Globality of Japanese Marxism

Gavin Walker – The Global in Marxist Theory and the Allegories of History

Harry Harootunian – Globality, Unevenness, and the Problem of “Second Hand Time”

Ken Kawashima – Primitive Accumulation, the Commodification of Labor Power and the Coloniality of Shifting National Boundaries: The Struggles of Korean workers in Interwar Japan

Commenters: Rebecca Karl, Massimiliano Tomba 

Chair: Evan Calder Williams

Waverly 569

“Race Science” and Social Science

Mario Diaz-Perez – Du Bois’s Early Sociology of Race

Matthew Lau – Stephen Jay Gould’s Critique of Race Science in the Age of Trump: Correcting the Corrected Record Today.

Michelle O’Brian – Discussant

Chair: Kelly Gawel

Sunday, April 23rd, 11:45 – 1:15 PM

Waverly 367

Symposium on Clyde Woods’ Development Arrested: The Blues and Plantation Power in the Mississippi Delta

Ruth Wilson Gilmore

Christina Heatherton

Jordan Camp

(note: Clyde Woods passed away in 2011 and won’t be in attendance)
Chair: Sophia Hussain

Waverly 369

Late Althusser: Politics and Theoretical Practice

Banu Bargu – Althusser’s Retreat to Epicurus and Aleatory Materialism

Thomas Carmichael – Aleatory Materialism and Theoretical Practice: the Logic of Struggle in the Later Althusser

William Lewis – “Editorial choices and the reception of Althusser’s last philosophy: an arranged encounter.”

Asad Haider – The Crisis in Marxism

Chair: Ben Mabie

Waverly 431

Rethinking Class Decomposition and Organizational Fragmentation

Jason Read – Class Decomposition: Affect and Politics in the Age of Negative Solidarity

Rodrigo Nunes – The Practice and Theory of Leadership Today: An Immanent Critique and Reconceptualization

Bue Rübner Hansen – Discussant

Chair: Andrew Anastasi

Waverly 433

History and Trajectory of Brazilian Capitalism

Mayra Cotta – The Politics of a inclusion thorough consumption: Rise and Fall of the Brazilian Workers’ Party

Juan Ferre – Racial Formation in Brazil: A Historical Perspective

Vladimir Puzone – Remarks on the present situation in Brazil: rackets on power

Sebastian Guevara – Automotive industry and overexploitation: the Mercosur case

Chair: Chris Carlson

Waverly 435

The Aesthetic Moment in Marxist Theory

Bejamin Laude – Reclaiming Time: Music and the Transcendence of Value Production

Stephan Hammel and Bryan Parkhurst – Against Marxist Aesthetics

Daniel Tutt – Bringing Brecht Beyond Theatre: A Dialectical Strategy

Chair: Francisco Fortuño Bernier

Waverly 566 A

György Lukács: Theory and Praxis

Michael Frank – Marx’s Analysis of Commodity Fetishism and Lukacs’s Theory of Reification

Daniel Lopez – The dialectic of organisation in Lukacs’s concept of praxis

Harrison Fluss – Discussant

Chair: Joshua Pineda

Waverly 370

When Revolutions Go Wrong

Sam Farber – “Did the Cuban Revolution Go Wrong?”

Dan La Botz – “The Nicaraguan Revolution: What Went Wrong?”

Elliott Liu – “State Capitalism Against Itself: Maoism and the Chinese Revolution”

Chair: TBA

Waverly 569

Queer(ing) Marxism

Paul Reynolds – Some Notes on a Queer Materialism

Gokboru Sarp – The War in the Middle East, the Concept of Homonormativity, and the Body: Towards a Historical Materialist Exploration

Alyssa Adamson – Marx’s Queer Humanism

Chair: C. Ray Borck


Sunday, April 23rd, 2:30 – 4:00 PM

Waverly 367

Making Waves: a facilitated discussion on some conjunctural theses

Co-sponsored by Viewpoint

Waverly 369

The Critique of Capital and its Overcoming

Melvin Rothenberg – Contemporary Capitalism & Why We Need Marxism

Bruce Parry – The Leap to Communism

Ron Baiman – The Profound Implications of Continuing to Teach ‘Supply and Demand’ Instead of ‘Demand and Cost’ in Intro Economics Courses – an Unequal Exchange Application

Chair: TBA

Waverly 431

On the Housing Question

Sam Stein

Rob Wohl

Take Back the Bronx (Chino and Lisa)

Crown Heights Tenants Union (Joel Feingold)

Chair: Wes House

Co-sponsored by Verso

Waverly 433

Africa in Revolt

Samar Al-Bulushi – #SomeoneTellCNN: Kenya, Geopolitics, and Revolt on the Global Stage

Zachary Mampilly

Yousef Khalil – Neoliberalism and Political Developments in Post-2011 North Africa

Benjamin Fogel – What happened to the South African left: The politics of degeneration and the crisis of praxis of the South African left

Oumar Ba – Rocking the boat: Mobilizing the streets and the votes

Chair: Sean Jacobs

Waverly 435

The Human and its Undersides: Perspectives on the Legacies of Marxist Humanism in the United States, Eastern Europe, and the Postcolonial World

Barbara Epstein – The Rise, Decline, and Hopeful Revival of Socialist Humanism

Zhivka Valiavicharska – Marxist Humanism and the Rise of Ethno-Nationalism in Post-Stalinist Southeastern Europe

Nikolay Karkov – Beyond Humanitias, Toward Anthropos: On the Limits of Marxist Humanism in Eastern Europe

Kevin B. Anderson – From Humanism to Althusser and Back

Chair: Jose Haro

Waverly 566 A

China’s Engine of Ecological Apocalypse

Richard Smith

Mark Selden

Judith Shapiro

Jin Xiaochang

Chair: Dan Boscov-Ellen

Waverly 370

Silencing the Subaltern: Resistance & Gender in Postcolonial Theory

Nivedita Majumdar in conversation with Bhaskar Sunkara

Co-sponsored by Catalyst

Chair: TBA

Waverly 569

Critical Geopolitics Today

Tony Wood – Russia, the West, and the 21st-Century World

Clyde Barrow – Globalization Theory and State Theory: The False Antinomy

Lorenzo Fusaro and Beatriz Marcos – On the Origins of Authoritarian Neoliberalism in Latin America: Rethinking the Development of Underdevelopment and Modernity in the South

Chair: TBA


Sunday, April 23rd, 4:30 – 6:30 PM

Plenary Panel – Meyer 121

The International Women’s Strike and the Anticapitalist Feminist Movement
Tithi Bhattacharya
Nancy Fraser
Cinzia Arruzza
Magally Miranda

Chair: Aaron Jaffe